Florida Judge Dismisses Trump Classified Documents Case


In a surprising turn of events, a federal judge in Florida has dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump. The decision marks a significant victory for Trump, who has been embroiled in legal battles over his handling of classified materials since leaving office.

The case revolved around allegations that Trump mishandled classified documents by taking them from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago resort after his presidency. Trump was facing 40 felony counts related to the mishandling and obstruction of justice. Special Counsel Jack Smith, who led the investigation, argued that the documents were crucial to national security and that Trump's actions were illegal.

The dismissal came on July 15, 2024, from U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, an appointee of Trump. The trial was initially set to begin in May but faced several delays due to pretrial motions and arguments from Trump's legal team regarding presidential immunity and the constitutionality of the special counsel’s appointment.

Trump's defense hinged on the argument that his actions were protected under presidential immunity. They cited a recent Supreme Court ruling that suggested former presidents have some level of immunity concerning official acts. Additionally, Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion raised questions about the legality of Smith’s appointment as special counsel. Trump's lawyers argued that Smith was unconstitutionally appointed and that his authority to prosecute was not valid​​.

Judge Cannon's decision to dismiss the case highlighted these constitutional concerns and the Supreme Court’s ruling. Trump's legal team also claimed that the documents were part of his presidential records and that he had the right to declassify them, a point that has been contentious throughout the proceedings​.

The dismissal is a significant blow to the Justice Department’s efforts to hold Trump accountable for his post-presidential actions. Special Counsel Jack Smith has contended that the immunity ruling does not apply to this case, as the documents were taken as Trump left office and were not part of his official duties. This argument, however, was not enough to sway Judge Cannon​.

The Justice Department may consider appealing the decision, although such a move could face significant legal hurdles given the recent Supreme Court ruling. Meanwhile, Trump has seized upon the dismissal as a vindication, bolstering his claims of being unfairly targeted by political opponents.

This ruling also casts a shadow on other legal battles Trump faces, including ongoing investigations into his business practices and other alleged misconduct. As Trump continues his campaign for the 2024 presidential election, this legal victory could strengthen his position among supporters who view him as a victim of political persecution.


  1. Trump should sue asshole Smith because he impersonated a prosecutor he had no authority or business prosecuting Trump. He should be indicated for fraud and charged with impersonation a government official. He wasted millions and millions of taxpayers money when he was the corrupt fraud criminal. Trump should sue him personally and all the corrupt states that persuade these bogus charges against Trump. These asshole democrats need to learn a big financial lesson and personal money should be taken away from corrupt democrats. Biden and family belong in prison for all their corrupt criminal crimes. Biden will go down as worst president in history.

    • You are another brain washed MAGA head who gets only extreme right wing news–which not coincidentally imitates the Putin Commie propaganda. You refer to a Republican lawyer and prosecutor, you know. The real impersonator of an elected official is Trump; God forbid he gets reelected as you want. Actually Judge Cannon has wasted the money you hate to lose in her prior decisions which have all been overturned higher up. She’s a nitwit trying to aid her benefactor, Trump, who appointed her to the bench. You also forget that Trump supporters are the ones indicted, convicted and jailed already for Trump’s bonehead actions. He needs to get his own comeuppance.
      Also the Biden’s have yet to be convicted due to shoddy or no evidence. You’ll find historians are already rating Trump the worst president. Yet you support him????

  2. Trump should sue asshole Smith because he impersonated a prosecutor he had no authority or business prosecuting Trump. He should be indicated for fraud and charged with impersonation a government official. He wasted millions and millions of taxpayers money when he was the corrupt fraud criminal. Trump should sue him personally and all the corrupt states that persuade these bogus charges against Trump. These asshole democrats need to learn a big financial lesson and personal money should be taken away from corrupt democrats. Biden and family belong in prison for all their corrupt criminal crimes. Biden will go down as worst president in history.
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  3. So who are the dangerous criminals. Leftists!! These people would take Mother Theresa, if she were alive today and make a criminal out of her.

  4. Yes, game over for this MAGA judge. In making her dismissal judgement she has ignored Constitutional authority that Congress used to empower the Attorney General to appoint and fund Special Counsels like Jack Smith, ignored years of precedents like with crooked Richard M. Nixon who would have been indicted except for his pal Gerald Ford’s pardon, and ticked off those higher jurists who evaluate her work on appeals. She’s about to be replaced as justice over this felony trial of Trump.

    So several things may occur that make this happen. Smith may appeal again her ridiculous decision, several earlier ones having already been overturned. Comments on her delaying the trial till after the November election aside–perhaps her true purpose after all is said and done. Or, a local district attorney for Mar-A-Lago’s Trump residence location may reinstitute the case(s). Or, Trump may lose the November election and have no authority to dismiss this Justice Department founded prosecution. In any case Trump is not off the hook. Looking forward to the start of this confidential documents trial. Can you see Trump selling national secrets to our foreign enemies who he counts as friends, Putin, Xe, Kim, or the Ayatollah? That’s what’s at stake in this trial or a reelection of Trump to the White House.


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